For all feature, spotlight, and review requests, send an email to: 

Okie Dreams reads and reviews in the following genres:

:: Romance (all kinds)
:: New Adult
:: Teen/Young Adult
:: Mystery/Thriller
:: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

We will consider and occasionally review the following genres on a case by case basis:

:: Self-Published
:: Children’s Fiction
:: Chick Lit
:: Urban Fantasy
:: Horror
:: Political and Legal Thrillers
:: Police Procedurals

Okie Dreams Book Reviews posts reviews at the following sites:

:: Deanna Lynn’s Facebook and/or Okie Dreams Facebook
:: Twitter and/or Okie Dreams Twitter
:: Instagram (Book Covers & Album Images)

Included in Our Reviews:

Okie Dreams includes the book cover and blurb, the publication date, author and publisher websites, and purchase links (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and/or Goodreads), when/if available.

If we have agreed to review your book and you would like us to include additional promo items (excerpt, teasers, giveaway information, etc), please feel free to contact us at least three days before the book is scheduled to release and/or feature on our blog. If you do not know when we plan to feature your book, or if it is planned to be featured, feel free to send us an e-mail and we will do our best to get you an answer.

Book Rating System

Okie Dreams rates books on a 1 to 5 star rating scale and will post our rating of the book in our reviews, along with our fair and honest opinion of the book. Since we believe in sharing our honest love of books, we strive to post reviews for the works we love or works we believe show the most promise and potential for future books from the author.

For this reason, we have a lot of four and five star rated books on our blog, with the occasional 3 or 3.5 star rating. When we do feature a book with a rating  lower than 3 stars, we strive to give our honest opinion about what felt off to us, whether that be a need for a deeper look at characterization, further added sensory details, or a bit more emotional connection between the characters. If a book doesn’t work for us, we try our best to figure out why and share that when we can and feel it is appropriate and constructive to do so.

How We Review

Okie Dreams does its best to make our reviews as spoiler free as possible so our reviews mostly discuss how well a book is written, how the book’s characters are portrayed, the tone and/or heat level in the book, and how the books made us feel when we read them. At times, we will also discuss characterization, setting descriptions, conflicts and motivations of the characters, styling of the scenes, and the overall writing style of the author, as well as how the sequel books measure up to their predecessor.

We love books and we love writing so we are big believers in sharing what we love about the books we read in our reviews without giving away too much detail about the book’s plot or specific scenes that stood out to us. We want to share our enthusiasm for a book without spoiling the discovery process for those who are interested in reading the same books we choose to feature on our blog.

Average Turnaround Time:

Okie Dreams current review turnaround time is 8 – 12 weeks after receipt of the book, unless a specific date is requested and doable. Because Deanna works full time and goes to graduate school in addition to reading, reviewing, and blogging about books, movies, music, and television, we are not able to review every book requested or received, but we do our best to get to them if we’ve agreed to review the book and to give a review by a reasonable date in time. We also do our best to feature the book in some capacity on our social media sites: TwitterFacebookInstagram.

Accepted Formats:

Okie Dreams accepts the following book formats:

  • E-Books (compatible with Amazon Kindle or Adobe Digital)
  • Print Books
  • ARCs/Galleys
  • PDF

Okie Dreams and Deanna Lynn does NOT sell or pass ARCs nor are we paid for our reviews of the books appearing on this site.

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